
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Full Circle

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
In the Name of Allah,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Rashid was on his way to the Masjid for Jumu'ah one day. While he was
walking, he noticed an old woman who was dragging a heavy package
down the sidewalk. As he passed by he greeted her with, ''Assalam 'alaikum,
sister.'' ''Peace be on you.''

The woman stood up and replied back to him, ''Wa'alaikum assalam.''

Rashid looked at the poor old lady and remembered that the Blessed
Prophetصلى الله عليه وسلم taught that we should have respect for old people.
He offered to help her carry the package and she readily agreed. So Rashid
hoisted the burden on his shoulders and began to follow the woman in the
opposite direction he had been traveling.

As they passed house after house, Rashid began to worry about begin late
for Salaah. He knew that Islam placed great importance on doing things on
time and that being late for Jumu'ah was especially looked down upon.
What was he going to do ?

Rashid could almost feel the Shaitan creeping up on him, whispering to him
to drop the heavy package and leave the lady to carry it so he would not
have to miss any of his salaah. When he became aware of the negative
feelings,however, he recited Surah Nas quietly, because he remembered that
the prophetصلى الله عليه وسلم said it would help protect us from evil suggestions.

Rashid then recalled that Islam teaches us that every kindness is an act of
charity, and that such actions are due on every part of our body every day.
''I will continue to help this nice old lady and run to the Masjid if I have to,''
he said to himself.

Just then, the lady signaled to Rashid that they had reached their destination.
Rashid, who had been busy with his day-dreaming about why he should help
her, lifted up his head and asked, ''Okay, where should I put it?''

The lady opened a door and said, ''Bring it in here.'' Rashid walked inside
past the lady, took one look around, and found he had stepped through the
back-door to the Masjid.The lady was bringing groceries for the Masjid!
Rashid smiled inwardly and said, ''Alhumdulillah.''

Yahiya Emerick

The Seafaring Beggar & Other Tales
by Yahiya Emerick and Reshma Baig


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