
Saturday, December 31, 2011

The 6 Qualities of the Sahabah Part 3

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
In the Name of Allah,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

3.  Then,thirdly it is FARDH
(obligation)for every
Muslim male or female to 
learn the Deen (Religion),
like how it is FARDH for all
Muslims to perform Salah.

If we don’t learn the Deen 
 then we wouldn’t know 
what Allah Ta'ala wants
us to do and what Allah 
Ta'ala doesn't want us to
do. We will never know what
is halaal and what is
haraam, or if we do happen
to know a little we don’t know
what is the best way to do a certain action.

The Sahabahs used to
walk thousands of kilo-
meters,for months just 
to learn one hadith from
another Sahabah.

Do you know that when
we are learning the Deen 
of Allah Ta'ala, the 
malaaikah (angels)  will
spread their wings under us?

And Shaitaan is afraid of
a person who is learned
in the Deen than 1000
people who perform  
Ibadah (worship)
without knowing the Deen.

Not only learn new things 
about Deen,we also must
ALWAYS remember
Allah Ta'ala all the 
time,by making zikr
(Remembering Allah)
of Allah Ta'ala constantly.

This will take us closer to
Allah Ta'ala. Allah Ta'ala
regards a person who makes
His zikr as a  person
who is alive and who does
not make His Zikr as  
a dead person.

Even by remembering
Allah Ta'ala’s power 
while doing something
is also considered as
remembering Allah Ta'ala

Not to forget the reading 
of  the Quran too, is also
a form of making Zikr.

Zikr is not restricted to
just sitting in one corner, 
with a Thasbih.

we can make Zikr except
in the toilet.. in there you
can make Zikr only in your
heart, not say it out loud
( because the toilet is a
place of filth ) make sure
to read the Du’a for enter-
ing the toilet before you
enter the toilet.

Taken from the program 
Momz and kidz

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