
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Mountains of Makkah - Zain Bhikha

The Qur'an is a book of guidance. It has come
from Allah to help us have a better life, in the
world and in the hereafter. Do you know what
Allah says about Hajj in the Qur'an ? Read the
following verses to find out.

And (remember) when We made the House
(the Ka'bah at Makkah), a place of assembly
for mankind, and a place of safety, and take
the standing place of Ibrahim as a place for
prayer. And We gave a duty to Ibrahim and
Isma'il saying : Purify My House for those
who visit it, and those who bow down, and 
those who prostrate.               ( 2: 125 )

Most surely the first house appointed
for mankind is the one at Bekka, blessed
and a guidance for the nations. In it are
clear signs ; the standing place of Ibrahim,
and whoever enters it shall be secure.
Pilgrimage to the house is a duty on man-
kind for the sake of Allah, on everyone who
is able to undertake the journey. And who-
ever disbelieves, then Allah stands not in
need of any of the 'Alamin (mankind and
jinns).                (3: 96-7)

And announce among mankind the
pilgrimage ; they will come to you on
foot, and on every lean camel, coming
from every remote path. That they may
witness advantages for them and mention
the name of Allah during the stated days, 
over the cattle which He has provided them,
then eat of them, and feed the distressed one,
the needy.      (22 : 27-8)

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