The Pigeon
Allah Ta'ala says : ''Do they not see the
birds held (flying) in the midst of the
sky? None holds them but Allah (none
gave them the ability to fly but Allah).
Verily, in this are clear proofs and signs
for people who believe (in the oneness
of Allah).''
The pigeon is one of the most amazingly
guided animals.The carrier pigeon is the
one which brings messages and letters and
may be worth more than a slave, for the
service that it provides cannot be carried
out by slaves or by any other kinds of
creature, as it is able to carry and bring
news and messages able to carry and bring
news and messages across great distances.
pigeons can be trained. When they get used
to a place, they will stay there and remain
loyal to their owner, even if he mistreats
them. They will return there from long
distances, and if they are prevented from
doing so, they will remain loyal even if
ten years have passed since they left their
homeland, and as soon as they get an opportunity and they are able to do so
they go back.
Among the wonders of the way in which
the pigeon is inspired is that when it is
carrying a message, it follows remote
routes, far from cities where people are
to be found, so that no one will be able
to stop it. It does not look for water
among people; rather it looks for
water in places where people do
not go.
Male and female pigeons share out their
duties towards the chicks. caring for and
raising the chick is done by the female,
and bringing food and feeding it to the
chick are done by the male. The father
is the head of the family who provides
for them, and the mother is the one
who nurses the young.
Source: Belief in Allah